Bring Me Your Midnight

Bring Me Your Midnight

2023 • 320 pages


Average rating3.6


Contains spoilers

Are you looking for a book that will be full on cozy cottage-core magic vibes? Well, this is your book. Rachel Griffin never disappoints.

Sometimes it's hard to explain what you liked about a book and what are the things you didn't enjoy as much. For me, Bring Me Your Midnight was a love letter to the sea, foraging and crafts. Nature, in general, but more specifically how to be gentle with it while also taking what we need from it.

Rachel's writing on this book was so evocative of stepping barefoot onto a grassy field at dusk. That's the only way i'd be able to describe this book. And the romance felt like spending a cold winter day at the beach and then going home to a blanket and a hot beverage.

I loved every single part of the way this book was written, from the wording to the referencing to past events as little clues being left behind. But when words weren't enough that's when i realised "not everything that shines is gold".

Even though the chemistry between Wolfe and Tana felt instant, it also felt rushed, as if with just one look both of them already knew they'd be it for each-other. Unfortunately, insta-love is not my trope. And another moment where everything felt so rushed, was in the "third-act breakup" if i am allowed of calling it that. It happened so fast I had to reread twice to understand what was going on (because sometimes as a Spaniard, English can be difficult, okay?).

Overall this was a beautiful book and the nostalgia it gave me and the feels and vibes of it all, it was definitely worth it. So if you need a book to feel those cozy witchy vibes? Rachel's books are what you're looking for.

September 18, 2023Report this review