2015 • 312 pages

–I won this book in a goodreads giveaway –

This is a hard book to review for me, for a few reasons one being because I've never read a book like this. I tend to stay away from true stories or sad heart wrenching tales.

But also because, How does one explain liking a book yet hating it at the same time? Finding it entertaining yet wishing I was reading something else? –this is my dilemma.
The tragedies in this book are real and they read that way. There are times I felt like gagging or crying. When I had to stop reading for the night I knew I was awake enough to keep going but, I knew the farther I went in the harder sleeping would be because I tend to dwell and return to the last things going through my mind. No one wants to dream of rape or torture.

This was a very interesting book though and I feel it has changed me but, I'm not sure how. It is like I got half of what I need and I'd need to read it again to understand myself more– which is weird for me because I haven't experienced any of the things in the book. Yet, I understand more than I did and I can't stop thinking.

There are a few really great lines/thoughts here. Little treasures I wanted to underline or come back to later. Some really great words.

After this i really want to read more from this author.

Recommendation: complicated. I won't go out of my way to tell people about the book but If conversation permitted it I would talk about it and want to talk to others about it.

February 20, 2016Report this review