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Broken Dolls

Broken Dolls


Average rating2


after reading them by this same author i was highly looking foward to this book because i devoured them and it's most likely going to be on my favorites of the year. i cannot say the same for broken dolls. this one actually has a premise that is more up my alley because home invasions are one of my greatest fears.

i honestly find it very difficult to discuss this book so i'm going to start off positive. the writing in this is absoutely impeccable just like them. mique knows how to write and it shows. there were some slight errors but that doesn't really ever bother me.

now to me this story had no character development, no depth, no nuance which is the exact opposite of them. for me extreme horror needs those things or else it feels like torture porn for the sake of torture porn which is not why i read extreme horror. i read this genre to explore the darker sides of humanity which is a cathertic experience for me and don't get me wrong i love a gory, slasher, time but this didn't feel like that. this book made me feel actually icky and not in a fun way. i have never felt any shame around reading this genre and will openly talk about it with almost everybody in my life going into extreme detail but i honestly don't want to tell anybody the content i read in this because i feel shame. i've been starting to have conversation with others in the community who also read this genre about where lines should be and i'm not saying censorship or anything like that but what should be acceptable for the genre and this was crossing the line for me personally.

i did not have a good time reading this at all and i love to feel uncomfortable when reading extreme horror. i love to feel my stomach twist. hell when i read them i literally vomitted and loved it. this was not that. 

July 28, 2023Report this review