Broken Glass

Broken Glass



Average rating4


This year I set a challenge for myself to read at least two books written by authors that are new to the publishing world or just not to “ME” every month. I found a few real gems last year following this challenge and so I wanted to carry it through to 2019, and this book was a perfect example of why I love doing this challenge so much.

This book was SO good, not perfect, but it came pretty damn close. The writing was excellent. It was well paced. The plot was engaging. It was heartbreaking. It was dark(ish). It was sweet. It was sexy. I wouldn't say it was over the top angsty, but both Hope and Leo have very dark and tragic pasts. It was pretty insta attraction. There wasn't any OW or OM drama. It only had one secondary character (Jackson), and I ADORED him, and both main characters were very likable.

The only two small issues I had with it, was, I wanted more details of Leo's dark side. When he went to take care of these individuals, I wanted the scenes to be a bit more developed. I am going to chalk this up to the fact that I read some really dark books, so the scenes in this book came across a bit glossed over. However, if you are not a lover of super dark books, then this one will be perfect for you. My other issue was I felt like the ending was rushed. I was 94% into this one and thought for sure this was going to end on a cliffhanger because they hadn't even dealt with the “baddie” yet. Since this doesn't end on a cliffhanger it felt a little too easy and the resolution a bit too anti-climatic.

Overall though It was a cracking book read, and yours truly is giving it two thumbs up!

January 25, 2019Report this review