Bromantic Puckboy


Average rating4


Huge fan of Miles never taking his foot off Bilson's neck over his Perpetual Wedders Anonymous past.

“I’m really, really bad with women. Form connections super fast.”

“What in the four divorces are you talking about?”

“That might actually be the most romantic thing anyone’s ever said to me.”

“No wonder you have four ex-wives, then.”

Also, the weird goalie jokes were a fun running theme. I loved how whenever Miles did something really strange, it was just squared away by the fact that he's a goalie. Not just in Nashville but across the league. Like oh, yeah. Goalies. They're like that 🤷

Damn, I'd missed Ezra 😂 King of the Horny Brigade.

“We need all your advice,” I say.

Miles nods. “All of it. How do two men have sex anyway? Whose penis goes inside whose?”

💀💀💀💀💀💀Bet they did NOT expect an answer to that lol.

I loved all the cameos from the Collective. I did not have Human Tripp and Dex being the older couple that gives relationship advice on my bingo card.

Anyway. This was a really fun read. Peak Sadenverse. Almost as enjoyable as the benchmark (Teddy and Topher).

Unrelated. I miss you Teddy and Topher. Where art thou?

April 20, 2024Report this review