Bum Rap


Average rating3


For never having read the Jake Lassiter series, it didn't feel like I was missing much in the way of backstory. I was able to follow along and get into the action. The beginning of the story started out well, a lawyer is accused of a murder and Lassiter has been hired to defend him. As Jake and Victoria try to find the truth behind what happened, they find the rabbit hole goes much deeper.

I found the early story action was good, but then it starts to slow down towards the end before the courtroom scenes. It seems like this would fit as an episode of Miami Vice or a similar show.

The major complaint I have was chapter 40. The entire narrative has been told from a first-person view, then it abruptly switches to third-person view, but only for this chapter. Then it is back to first-person view. It took me out of the story for a bit because I was trying to figure out why that happened. If it was supposed to be because the characters were being spied on, there were no context clues to suggest it. I also think part of the ending was abrupt as there wasn't a gokd reason given for Jake to change his mind about his possible retirement.

I would say that this makes for good beach reading if that is what you are looking for.

July 6, 2015Report this review