But What If We're Wrong? Thinking About the Present As If It Were the Past

But What If We're Wrong? Thinking About the Present As If It Were the Past

2016 • 262 pages


Average rating3.8


This is a wonderfully refreshing idea for a book: how will the present look from the future? What will we think about the way we looked at sports and democracy and rock music? It's, of course, almost impossible to really imagine how things will look as we gaze back at the past from the future. It's intriguing to contemplate. Klosterman consults lots of his favorite armchair philosophers about these questions and the result is this little book.

Why, then, the average rating, you ask? I wish the book had considered more subjects than the few the author took on, for one thing. Also, what started out to be a fresh idea grew a bit tedious after a few chapters; honestly, what can we really know about the future? Of course, it is always possible that it was just me, and you may love this book to pieces. I hope you do.

January 1, 2017Report this review