But What If We're Wrong? Thinking About the Present As If It Were the Past

But What If We're Wrong? Thinking About the Present As If It Were the Past

2016 • 262 pages


Average rating3.7


i can't believe i'm saying this about a book which had an entire section on american foodtball but. i loved this i adored this i ate this up

there's something about how klosterman writes that is so engrossing and bingeable for me. these books FLY by. i'm like how was this 10hrs. i want to read it again. i felt the exact same way about the nineties ... i need to read even more of his stuff lol. i don't know if this is for EVERYONE but i just feel so connected to klosterman's brain like wtf dude

“The ultimate failure of the United States will probably not derive from the problems we see or the conflicts we wage. It will more likely derive from our uncompromising belief in the things we consider unimpeachable and idealized and beautiful. Because every strength is a weakness, if given enough time.”
March 4, 2024Report this review