Call Me Evie

Call Me Evie

2018 • 368 pages


Average rating3.3

  • 3.5 stars

    hmm, i'm on the fence with this one. it started really strong, and kept me engaged as the narration went between then/now moments, but after some time i started to feel frustrated because nothing felt like it was really happening. it wasn't all bad, but i think it just dragged a little too much, and i'm still wondering what the purpose was of some of the scenes we got especially in maketu because they seem to have no real purpose other than to highlight how unstable the original situation is, which we already know from the beginning.

    i was curious enough about how the truth of the situation would unravel that i kept going. and in a way i'm glad i did, because the ending surprised me and was also there all along, and i liked that. there were some things at the end that i really hadn't guessed, and some of my early on theories are so laughable now looking back. BUT i had guessed one thing at the VERY beginning that was revealed at the end that i was annoyed turned out to be true. soooo idkkkkk

    i think this would actually be more towards a 4 star read for me (it was a slow unfolding and built/balanced tension well, and was extremely good at describing settings and moments so sharply i felt like i was there) BUT i really disliked the main character over time. i understand why she was so dislikable, but she just grated on me and felt really stupid. i would've liked to have seen her make some other choices ... or at least would have liked to have seen a little more highlighted with her memory issues. (i still have a few questions tbh?)

    overall i definitely see the quality of pomare's writing and feel like this was well pulled off but lulled a bit for me and the mc was a little flat. still, a solid twisty psychological thriller.
January 27, 2020Report this review