Calmly, Carefully, Completely
Calmly, Carefully, Completely
Average rating4
This book is so much more than I could have hoped for. I'm absolutely in love.
I started this book, nearly positive that I wouldn't be enamored with it as I was with the first 2 books. I might have groaned and thought, “Really? Pete?” not sure how I was going to like his character.
It took me seconds to fall in love with this book. Honestly, almost hit ‘favorite' status.
Peter owns up to the fact that he was an idiot and deserved to be put in jail. He wants to overcome it. His dedication to his family, wanting to improve himself, genuine interactions with the boys at camp, and his honest when it comes to Regan blew me away. Seriously. Okay, the lip ring might have helped too ;)
Regan is strong. Yeah, she isn't perfect, like Peter, and has demons in her closet, but she is ready and willing to move forward with her life. She went through hell and it changed her life– kept her from life, but was willing to take a chance with Pete and honestly, it was fantastic. I can't say anything about her experience or actions after her rape, but she seems pretty real to me, which made tears form in my eyes.
Talking about tears, dear lord! I never expect myself to get attached to the characters in a romance novel– why would I?, but with this book not only am I attached to Pete and Regan, but also those side characters from the camp. I totally love Matt, Paul, and Friday and absolutely can't wait to get everyone's stories :)
Also, this book was a laugh. Was some of it stereotypical? Oh, yeah, but that isn't going to stop me from laughing at a dad threatening a potential boyfriend while holding a hatchet. Totally not okay, but I laughed big time. I can't help it.
My only complaint: I thought their romance was too easy. I wished there was more development between them to get them where they were.
Still loved this though.