This book is not for everyone, I don't recommend people read this book if they are squeamish, they have a vivid imagination because this case, and the Luka Magnotta case which is similar are very graphic and violent, so the details are hard to forget. In case you don't know Luka Magnotta, tortured and murdered cats, sometimes more than one cat. He filmed what he did and posted it online for attention. He also stabbed a man with a ice pick, cut their throat, dis-articulated their body, and had sex with their corpse he filmed the whole thing and posted it online which was also for attention. If it wasn't for animal rights activists and “arm chair sleuths”online then he would never have been caught. He originally planned to make similar or more “movies” as he called them.
Armin Meiwes filmed himself, killing his submissive and willing victim (The victim wanted to be eaten, which is a type of fetish. The way the victims were murdered was a similar, but Armin Meiwes intended to consume the victim, which he did afterwards for several months. Anyone that has seen the original recording were and are deeply disturbed by it.
If his parents didn't get divorced, if he wasn't snubbed by his brothers and a lack of a relationship which made Armin resent his family, didn't occur then he wouldn't have turned out to be the person that he is now. I will finish my review when I have read the rest of the book.