Average rating3.9
Of the witch books in the Discworld series, (acknowledging I may not have read them all but don't include Equal Rites or Lords and Ladies among my faves) Witches Abroad, Wyrd Sisters and this one are now tied for favourites.
Terry Pratchett loved to sneak in the profound.
I had a much better time reading Weatherwax in this book, I feel like it gave a bit more inner life, an actual personal journey for her character, rather than just identifying her as standoffish problem solver/one-of-the-crew with added wisdom.
Not mandatory but I think reading Small Gods first (as well as the other witch books mentioned chronologically) enriches the references provided.
There's something incredibly human in the fact that even as they work to defeat a greater threat/evil, there's a bit of judginess and pettiness towards the other party on behalf of the witches and the priest, but it doesn't stop them from helping each other/working together, and maybe coming out more understanding in the end.
Igor and Scraps were such essential charming additions, and Death cameos were perfect as usual.
Warning for fatphobia throughout, even if most of it seems to come from the villains.