Catacombs of the Undercity

Catacombs of the Undercity



Average rating3


The story itself reflects a nice dungeon crawl, going through the “catacombs” to reach the titular Undercity. The encounters themselves are all quite varied and very interesting. The only thing I'd complain about is that there are quite a lot of grammatical errors.

As a gamebook, it leans towards the difficult side - there are a lot fights and a lot of random rolls, many of which lead to a bad end, or at least gets you there really quickly, since it's almost always followed by a fight.

As an application, on the whole, very polished; although I did find two or three minor paragraph-related bugs. The achievements are great, although the remianing ones that I didn't manage to unlock are too tedious to obtain (e.g. Find all ways to lose...).

Overall, it's a fun if somewhat difficult gamebook with an interesting enough plot to keep you playing.