Catwoman, Vol. 4


Average rating3

Jamie RevellSupporter

This is a collection of short stories, mostly written by Ram V, but with a few guest writers added into the mix. As a collected edition, it ends up feeling disjointed in a way that the individual issues might not have - some are good, some less so, and there's not really a consistent style or theme to it. It also doesn't help that the first story is out of chronological order with what follows - taking place (and originally having been published) before the final material in the previous volume. On the other hand, some of the stories are strong, and V is obviously aiming for a gritty crime drama feel, rather than something that's more obviously superheroic. The last few installments, once a plot starts to come together as Catwoman takes up her old haunt in a slum district of Gotham, are the best part, and bode well for the future, now that the placeholder shorts are out of the way.

March 31, 2021Report this review