Cover 1


2021 • 286 pages


Average rating3.3


Somehow, I end up finishing each one in a day, must be because each one is a few pages(around 200+ pages shorter) less than what I am used to.........
Champion, the middle rank in Herzverse(I have to remember all this universes!!!), at least I think so, Huon's and Liona's journey is slowly(really slow, compared to.......nahhhh)gaining ground, their goal of going back and destroying the Everlasting King, In a few months(??) time from being Squires, then Knights now Champion, it is still not enough......
Not to spoil, finally a rank higher than Immortal is introduced, individuals that can help Huon's dream come true.........unfortunately as with every advancement comes that feeling of empowerment and selfishness, I mean why should this select few bother to help.....just like in our reality, the notion of being better than your brethren, it gives off this excuse to look and treat them as someone lower than you......
Finally some riddles are answered, and we gain new ones too, there is Captain Avery's real reason, soulbound against oathbound..........
As in any game, reaching the middle point tends to make it more interesting, as you gain in knowledge, ability and prowess, so does the world around you, no more Goblins, Giant Spiders, now we have Orcs, Lizardmen, various with being a Champion, better essences, unique never before seen ones.....
All in all a breeze to finish, but with a lot more information....Oh finally I can see a better Huon......

April 13, 2023Report this review