Cover 8

Chasing the Sun

Chasing the Sun

The New Science of Sunlight and How it Shapes Our Bodies and Minds

It was OK. Parts of it were interesting. Others I found a bit dull and unnecessary, especially for a book on the science of sunlight. I would've enjoyed more science and less recounting of Geddes holidays to various sunlight-themed travel destinations.

When the science was their it was interesting but as someone who has read ‘Why We Sleep' by Matthew Walker (read it by the way it's really good) (also mentioned in this text and cited for further reading) a lot of it wasn't that new. Would've been better suited as an article with the fluff taken out. Or include more data and studies, etc.

I don't regret the read, at least it was fairly short, (although it did take me a while to finish it admittedly) I wouldn't actively recommend it to anyone unless they were already interested. To which I would say “yeah if you want shrug”.

December 11, 2019Report this review