Chasing Your Ghost
2023 • 439 pages


Average rating2.5


This was paranormal romance with a Stranger Things meets after school special kind of feel. The mystery at the core of the plot kept me interested and compelled me to finish the book. I think this would rate higher for younger readers because it really is an interesting premise, I just personally had issues with some of the writing choices.

Most of the book is in Riley's point of view, a few times in Asher's, and then 70% of the way through you get a chapter from a third character's perspective (and then a fourth). I think had we gotten chapters from everyone more frequently it would have worked really well, but new perspectives 70% of the way into the book was jarring.

There are a lot of very specific pop culture references that I think will quickly become outdated.

Overall the tone of the book feels young. I kept forgetting that some of these people are in college which made the sex scenes (despite everyone being of age) uncomfortable.

And without spoiling anything, the mechanics of the paranormal part of the story were so basic that when something supernatural happened at the climax of the plot, I found it unbelievable.

I think I would have loved this in high school but it's not something I'm planning on recommending or rereading.