Stay-at-Home Moms: 101 Inspirational Stories for Mothers about Hard Work and Happy Families
Last time I thought I lucked out with [b:Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Magic of Mothers & Daughters: 101 Inspirational and Entertaining Stories about That Special Bond 12225749 Chicken Soup for the Soul The Magic of Mothers & Daughters 101 Inspirational and Entertaining Stories about That Special Bond Jack Canfield 17199247], I never expected such a perfect for me topic of stay-at-home-moms. Since we moved and as we visit churches and library mommy and me groups the first question I ask is whether there are any SAHMs and I'm always told no. Through my blog I know there are plenty of others out there like me, just not nearby apparently. Thus book is full of 101 kindred spirit thoughts that leap off the page with a hug and understanding. A great pat on the back read. Thanks to the publicist for providing a copy for review.