Chose the wrong guy, gave him the wrong finger

Chose the wrong guy, gave him the wrong finger


Average rating2.5


Wow that took me way too long to get through. Normally I kind of like this author's version of chick lit - especially when I need something light and fluffy to read. This one was too easy to put down and not feel the need to pick back up. I figured out the end game in the first chapter. That doesn't usually bother me too much as often a book is more about the journey than anything else. The problem was the journey this time was also entirely too predictable. No major twists. No sly wit or angst. Just one word - Burke - that kept being repeated waaaayyyy to much. I wanted to hit Quinn upside the head with a frying pan every time she mentioned Burke, talked about Burke, talked to Burke, remembered something about Burke. If I'd turned it into a drinking game, I could have been more than drunk before the middle of the book.

I did like Glenn and his and Quinn's talks. If the book had only been those chats and more like them, I would have liked it more.

December 31, 2015Report this review