Christmas for One
2014 • 368 pages


Average rating3


It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas and that time of year when it's lovely to delve into a festive read full of romance, snow and sparkles. The cover for Amanda Prowse's christmas novel ‘Christmas for One' was so inviting and beautiful it was the book I chose to be my first festive read this holiday season.

The story is that of single mum Meg and her son Lucas as they begin to prepare for the festive season. Meg has always had high expectations of Christmas but after many years spent being passed from foster family to foster family her reality had never quite matched up.

Working alongside sisters Pru and Milly in their Patisserie she finds herself headed to New York to help launch their new store. Whilst there she meets and falls in love with architect Ed and begins to believe there may be a possibility of a happy future for them all.

This book is nothing new, it's story won't give anything you've not already read in another several holiday books. That said the characters are endearing and the setting lovely. Meg is very sweet and you do root for her to find her happy ending.

Only a very few issues I had with this book were firstly that from a mother who had felt the seperation from own family at Christmas so keenly I didn't buy that she would have been comfortable not being with her son on Christmas Day itself. Secondly I found the ending a little bit rushed. It jumped quite dramatically by a year and teases us with what's happened but doesn't really pad it out enough which I found frustrating as the percentage count on my kindle read 69% when I got to the end. I was therefore expecting at least another thirdish of the book to conclude everything and instead it all kind of ground to a halt.

A nice Christmas read and a good start to my holiday reads but I have a feeling it won't be my best this year.

December 2, 2014Report this review