


Average rating4.5


At this point I am starting to think I just need to buy every Kevin Henkes book, because with each one I am finding myself liking this author more and more. We have discovered unimpeded later in his writing with Penny, but have come to love him with Owen and now Chrysanthemum and even Junonia.

What a delightful story in Chrysanthemum. Entertaining and valuable as well as adorable to look at. Shouldn't every girl be a pretty floral? I read this from our library but know I will have to buy it especially with two daughters with different names than you se every day. One being long and classic and the other shorter but very rare and a flower itself. I've always been told that in another language my own name translated to another flower so I see lots of potential in reading and sharing this one with my girls.

October 6, 2012Report this review