Clean Sweep


Average rating3.7

Tabitha TomalaEarly Adopter

Science fiction and fantasy combine as Ilona Andrews sets the stage for an Innkeeper who provides lodgings for otherworldly and supernatural visitors. Armed with a magical broom that can transform at her whim and a sentient house, Dina’s goal is to protect her visitors and ensure they enjoy their stay. When a creature stalks the town and threatens the comfort of her inn, it’s up to Dina, the local werewolf, and a cosmic vampire to put an end to it.

Clean Sweep was such a unique experience. Reading about Dina’s magical abilities and use of the Inn combined with the presence of other worlds and space vampires took a little adjustment. There was plenty of backstory and world-building to lay down a foundation for how it all works, but it needs a bit more refinement. Being that this is the first book in the series, there is plenty of room to grow.

There was also a healthy dose of filtration and alpha male posturing for those looking into the budding romance side of stories. And Dina is not the type of woman to back down from a challenge. Being matched up against a domineering personality would certainly have sparks flying.

Dina is an enjoyable character to read about. Her past is tragic and carries a hint of mystery. She is new to owning her inn but is still steadfast in her beliefs to uphold the rules of innkeepers, yet she isn’t afraid to find a few loopholes to protect more than just her guests. She also has a delightful dog named Beast who is small but carries big dog energy and humor into the story.

Clean Sweep is for those looking to explore fantasy with a sci-fi twist and light hints of romance. This is an easy to read enjoyable journey.

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September 24, 2019Report this review