Clockwork Pirate

Clockwork Pirate

2015 • 278 pages


Average rating5


This is my first steampunk novel ever and I must say it was a really interesting read. I felt a bit overwhelmed at first, but soon I got to really enjoy it, the contraptions and everything that went on. At the same time I must admit that I am glad this is not my first Lyn Gala novel, I might have been put off, but since it is the second, now I know that Lyn Gala is a versatile author and I look forward to discovering what else is there.

In this novel I didn't like any character more than the other, I liked all of them equally. Well, with a few obvious exceptions, but all the important characters are well set in the liked area. I liked how Lyn Gala managed to make them all so distinct and how nicely the contradictory personalities of Alex and Beche were displayed.

One thing, and the only one, I found odd was the way the time setting was introduced. It felt so weird to me and also kind of unnecessary. The writing is so masterful it would have been obvious rather quick what year the plot was set in. And speaking of the writing, I am in awe. Although I only read one more novel by Lyn Gala before, the difference is obvious and that is a fantastic skill!

Moving along, the novel is simply great. The plot flows smoothly, I loved the whole of pirate life, Alex's capture and everything that followed. I especially liked that there is no sugar coating, piracy is not wrapped in something shiny and soft, it is delivered bluntly. Whatever you think piracy is about, you get it.

I also liked a lot Alex and Beche's conversations. (Speaking of Beche, he can be such an idiot, he's great) At some point I was almost pissed at Beche, but as I read further I came to understand where he was coming from and everything made perfect sense. This being pretty much a new territory to me, I might have been a bit jumpy at times, but I was thoroughly put back into my place.

The novel rises some very serious issues too such as slavery and the position of woman in society, as well as religion. This was hardly unexpected given the setting, but I liked how the author dealt with them. It made me wonder about some things too and that's always a big plus from me.

Alex's first meeting with pleasure was delightful. It was so well written and I liked Alex's reactions so much. He, but Beche as well, have so much to learn and explore, I really love that for them. It's going to be such an interesting journey, it makes me all giddy.

What else is there to say?
Pirates? Check.
Steampunk? Check.
Two clashing main characters? Check.
Awesome supporting characters? Check.
Good plot? Check.
All that's left is giving it a try.

December 6, 2020Report this review