Average rating4.2
I buddy read this with Erin. As was the case with the previous book in this trilogy this was her first time reading it and it was a reread for me. I never wrote a review for this one when I first read it back in 2016 but I loved it. I read this entire trilogy in less than a week and these books aren't short. I gave it 5 stars the first time I read it and this time around I gave it 4. The fact that I have read this before has taken away from my enjoyment of it. Not it a bad way or anything because I am still fully loving the story but nothing is a surprise anymore. When I first read these books I was hooked on the romance aspect of it (DUH!!) so I don't really remember much of the main conflict. Erin pointed out that not a whole lot of progress happens with the main conflict in either of the first two books which I never really noticed before but once she mentioned it it was blaringly obvious. I'm still loving the romance aspect of the books and I can't wait to read the last one again and see what Erin thinks of it.