Clueless Puckboy


Average rating3


Basically, for everything this author duet puts out, my gold standard is Face Offs & Cheap Shots. And this one fell very short.

2.5 rounded down. I enjoyed this one a lot less than I have all the others from these authors. It felt a little too short and too rushed. I don't feel like I really got to know either of the MCs.

I also wasn't a fan of Ayri's behavior for the first 80% of the playoffs season. It's very juvenile. I'd understand if this was a high school setting, but come on. Plus it seemed a bit out of character for Vance to put up with it just because. Annnnnd the name Vance. Sigh. Reminds me a lot of Bob Vance. Vance Refrigeration.

I'm also slowly becoming a hater of the way they keep referring to themselves as ‘the collective'. Again. It sounds very high school.

The humor was there, but not exceptionally funny. Bits of sweetness, but not really hitting the spot.

So. Generally multiple ‘little things' that cumulatively totaled to less enjoyment of the book overall.

November 2, 2023Report this review