Cover 7

Coach's Challenge

2017 • 200 pages


Average rating1.5


I lowkey hated this. I always find the author's book summaries so intriguing and then the execution so underwhelming.

I didn't feel the chemistry between the MCs. Every relationship progression came out of left field. And they refer to themselves as ‘dude' so much, it's like they're frat bros. Gah.

“Me and Shane are fucking.”

What a romantic announcement. Incredibly graceless is an understatement.

But it did have some redeeming factors.

The mature handling of the conflict(I hesitate to even call it that). Their age really shone through in those chapters. It was still vaguely boring though, don't get me wrong. But it was DIFFERENT. I rate that.

“Honestly, Shane? I've never been in a relationship before because they always seemed to take too much work. But despite what anyone might think after being around the two of us for more than ten minutes, it's not that hard with you.”

This.....almost made me like them a little bit more. Almost. But not quite.

I don't really know what it is about these books. On paper they're right up my alley but I get to them and just...... ‘give me something for the pain and let me die'.

January 18, 2024Report this review