Cocaine Blues
1989 • 175 pages


Average rating3.6


DNF - PG 15


Because of the writing style. Look, I'll admit, I started this book with some trepidation. I came into this series loving the tv show. (Absolutely adoring it and Essie Davis.) I knew a lot of things changed for the adaption, but, I liked the show enough to want to try.

I found the first fifteen pages kind of terrible. It may get better, it may not - but I found the writing absolutely devoid of place and time. This book is supposed to take place in 1920's Melbourne. I love the 20's and 30's and I thought it would be great fun to see Melbourne.

Unfortunately, this could be any place and any time - as long as the society was high enough.

So, Phryne arrives at Melbourne's Windsor Hotel. I was getting ready for a nice couple of paragraphs to set the place and kick my terribly lagging interest into something resembling interest.

‘Phryne surrendered herself, [to the doorman] and stepped up into the quiet, well-ordered, opulent world of the Windsor.'

Perfect place for a few punchy descriptors while Phryne checks in, yes?

The very next sentence is (without anything indicating a time skip, I might add):

‘Bathed, re-clothed, and hungry, Phryne came down into the hotel dining room for luncheon.'

Is the book short? Yes. Is it still a hundred and seventy pages more than I want to spend with this void writing? Yes. (Maybe the whole series improves, that's what happens often to mystery authors, but I just find this writing style impossible to enjoy.)