

Overall I thought this was a very well-written and interesting story! Elsie was spunky, and I was extremely proud of her for figuring out how trapped she was under her husband's thumb. The whole relationship between them was very believable, especially because she was so much younger than he was.

Can I please say, thank goodness the more intimate scenes between Robert and Elsie were low key. It's not that I have anything against their relationship, but I was kind of wary about reading about their intimate moments. I fairly despised Robert from the moment that book began. I am so glad Elsie wizened up during the book.

I also very much liked Dion, and I loved that he was so good for Elsie. Unfortunately I had a hard time believing the chemistry between them. Yes, I realize this is an Erotic Novel and therefore chemistry has to be built in somewhere throughout the story, but really? How many times does someone fall so quickly for another person? Still, I was smitten with how much they clearly loved one another above and beyond the physical attraction.

Since this was my first novel of this kind, I don't have much to base it on. However I do know that I was very impressed with the coherent storyline and the multi-dimensional characters. I would have loved this story even without the erotic elements thrown in!