Cover 6

Corrupt Kingdom

2020 • 360 pages


Average rating4


3.75-4 stars.

This was a quick but enjoyable. At the halfway mark it dipped down to a 3.5 for me but then it really picked back up. The sexy tension was there. The sexy parts were there. It really was enjoyable though and I would've given it 5 stars if Cyrus was more villainy. The blurb says he's ruthless and rules the underworld with an iron fist. I wasn't really feeling all that from him. With that blurb I would be expecting a more hardcore alpha male...but meh. That's just my preference for the bad hot guy in these books though. Don't let that deter you. With it being a quick read it definitely bumps it up for me because nothing dragged out.

May 22, 2020Report this review