Creating Character Arcs: The Masterful Author's Guide to Uniting Story Structure, Plot, and Character Development

Creating Character Arcs

The Masterful Author's Guide to Uniting Story Structure, Plot, and Character Development



Average rating4.3


I wanted to give this book 6 stars...

K.M.'s Outlining and Structuring books are great, but THIS is the book that kickstarted me into completing two shorter pieces of writing, each in 24 hours, and I'm confident that the same theories I learned from it apply to my longer works-in-progress. The questions cut to the chase, and made my outlines much more focused than they used to be.

The best part? Your characters will finally cooperate with you to craft the best story ever.

If you're still floundering and upset that the story refuses to go your way, that the structure still seems contrived, that the characters want to challenge your deity...

You see, the other day one of my colleagues envied my successes professionally and literarily and said I was a god. I replied, “Gods still have a lot to learn.”

Same goes for you.

February 3, 2019Report this review