Cover 6




Average rating5

Jeff SextonSupporter

BFP! Curtis Hamsworth! Fans of creature movies (you know, the ones with only a survivor or two - if any - after the creature(s) rampage) and/ or Jurrasic Park are going to love this particular book. Set within Woods' ever-expanding Maddock universe, you don't have to have any prior experience with that world to have one hell of an awesome time with this romp through the rainforests of northern Australia. Part Jurassic Park, part creature feature ala Deep Blue Sea or Anaconda, and filled with enough adventure and even laughs to bring down a ... well, a Big Fucking Predator, this is simply a fun diversion from the “real” world that will leave you breathless... and wanting more. Indeed, the only quibble I have with this thing is the not-very-veiled shots at Sea World - and yet even then, the point is (eventually) made of just how much money comes to conservation efforts because of Sea World and similar parks. (Which is my ultimate real world point about such parks.) Beyond that particular sporadic commentary though, truly an amazing ride that will have you forgetting the “real” world for a few hours. And really, isn't that all any of us can ask for these days? :) Very much recommended.

April 3, 2021Report this review