Crown of Ash

Crown of Ash

2013 • 292 pages

The joy of discovering a consistent franchise is difficult to describe. You hope the next one in the series is going to be as good and you fear that it is not. This mixture of hope and fear is what great franchises manage to deliver book after book making sure your fear does not materialize. With Crown of Ash, Steven is managing this balance extremely well. The book continues from where Soulrazer ended but now has another POV added. So we flew through narratives from three protagonists and its just delivers raw pace. More fantastic creatures appear and there are no more happy endings. The progress is swift while an over arching plot is being built. The only downside (thus 4 stars) is that the illogical descriptions are now taking a toll and I find myself skipping words knowing they don't add any meaning. All in all a fantastic addition. Just a note though to future readers “Don't fall in love with the characters” You never know who will make it into the next book:-)

April 7, 2013Report this review