2019 • 544 pages


Average rating4.5


Always rough to come to the end of a journey. I wasn't certain what to expect after de Castell finished the Greatcoats series and this series started, but after six books, I'm glad I went along for the ride. The series, which deviates from traditional fantasy by taking on an almost steampunky, Old West vibe, works through de Castell's brilliant characters and their relationships.

In this final go-round, the spellslinger Kellen finally has to step up and face down his father, a battle that has been coming for years. Gone is the boy who wanted to be a mage to please his parents, and instead we see the full Argosi, the Path of Endless Stars. There is no going back to the Jan'Tep oasis. Kellen's path no longer goes there. Thus, he's left with only one choice: victory or his life. ‘

I love de Castell's writing, and I love his view on heroics from guys who don't see themselves as heroes. I will miss Kellen and Ferius Parfax, but this was a fun ride. Maybe we'll see them all again down the line. Maybe we won't. Wherever they are, let's hope Kellen has enough tricks to get them out of whatever trouble they'll inevitably be in.