Daddy's Home
2017 • 220 pages

OH MAMA MIA this book was SMOKIN' HOT. If you know me than you are well aware that DD/lg kink and I are #Besties. I eat these type of stories up by the spoonful. Unfortunetly not all DD/lg books are created equal with some knocking it out of the park while others never get off the ground (diapers/pacifiers anyone? shiver). Thankfully this one spanked all the right notes with me. I LOVED it and I really wish it had been longer.

I found this book to be well written and very well paced. This was my first Zoe Blake book but definitely won't be my last. The plot was engaging and kept me glued to the pages. The story itself felt quite well rounded considering this was a rather quick read. I would put its page length at slightly longer than a novella. As I mentioned above, I was enjoying this story and especially these two characters so much that I wished it had been even longer. The attraction between the two main characters was very instant. There is a bit of dub consent. There was no angst and no OW/OM drama. The sex scenes were SMOKIN' hot and plentiful.

There are no secondary characters to speak of, and both main characters were extremely likable. Logan was sex on a stick. Alpha. Hot. Badass. A sweet but firm Daddy Dom. My only quibble is I would have liked a bit more background on his character. I still don't know what exactly he did for a living OR his last name. Chloe was sweet with a side of naughty. The perfect little girl for Logan and she kept him on his toes. These two characters had amazing on page chemistry. Lastly, it was all wrapped up in an OK epilogue. I would have liked to have seen some babies, but I certainly wasn't disappointed with what the author left us with. This one gets two HUGE thumbs up from yours truly.

November 20, 2017Report this review