Average rating4.1
“Daisy Jones and The Six” is a gripping novel that explores the rise and fall of a fictional 1970s rock band. Written by Taylor Jenkins Reid, the story is told through a series of interviews with the band members, their families, and those who were involved in their lives.
The book is a masterful work of fiction that captures the essence of the rock ‘n' roll era, with its wild parties, drug use, and artistic creativity. The characters are complex and multi-dimensional, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, and the relationships between them are dynamic and realistic.
What sets this book apart from other rock ‘n' roll stories is how the author weaves the different perspectives to create a complete and compelling narrative. The format of the book, presented as a series of interviews, is highly effective in capturing the different voices and personalities of the characters.
Overall, “Daisy Jones and The Six” is a must-read for anyone who loves music, drama, and a good story. The book is beautifully written and emotionally engaging, and it will leave you thinking about the characters and their lives long after you've finished reading.