Cover 8



Average rating3


This book was EXHAUSTING. The back and forth. Lies and half-truths. I wanted to smack them both upside the head and yell...HAVE A FUCKING CONVERSATION ALREADY. YESH...apart from me wanting to pull my hair out through the entire book I rather enjoyed this one and am looking forward to seeing where this author plans on leading us in book two.

It was very well written and well paced. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. It was full of angst and heartbreak. It had a few sex scenes but it wasn't overly spicey. It had a good cast of secondary characters (although Kat's friends were uber annoying IMO). There is some OW/OM drama. Some truths come to light in the book that turned me off the hero and broke my heart for Kat. I'm putting this in spoiler tags so DO NOT open if you don't want to be spoiled –> you've been warned the hero cheated on the heroine once when they were dating, and he's kept it a secret up until the present (married for 5 years.) This probably wouldn't have bothered me as much had it just been a random but because of the "who" and the part she plays in the drama unfolding NOW, I think I may struggle to get past it enough to hope for a HEA with these two. That in combination with all the other lies he has told her over the course of their relationship hindered me from feeling bad for this guy. He was the nuke that imploded their relationship. Of course, Kat wasn't innocent of its demise but she was more a firecracker going off in comparison to all the secrets and lies the hero has been peddling. That said, both these main characters acted like 5-year-olds throwing hissy fits half the time. But I understood Kat's pain and her reactions and I couldn't help but feel the blame laid more squarely at the hero's feet.

In any case, I enjoyed it, and now I am off to torture enjoy myself with book two. This one is getting two thumbs up from yours truly.

November 23, 2017Report this review