Dark Secret
2020 • 184 pages


Average rating4


I opened this book and fell into the pages—Alice in Wonderland style. I was hooked. Hooked, I tell you. Danielle Rose has created this interesting and intriguing world that I was utterly immersed in and I loved every second. I couldn't put it down (apart from those moments where it was a must). I am so excited to read more in this world and see where this story goes. Now, about the ending, it wasn't as bad as I anticipated, I didn't have an OMG what? Moment. It felt very natural to end it there.

Ava Lopez is a seventeen-year-old girl, like most girls her age, she's starting to come to terms with who she is and the life she wants. She's feeling restricted by her mother's rules and wants to break free of those shackles and do want she feels is right. Sneaking out at night doesn't seem such a big deal, except, Ava isn't any ordinary teenager and she's not sneaking out to hang with her friends or meet a boy. No, she's a spirit witch and is going to hunt vampires. It's what her coven does, protect the town of Darkhaven from their biggest threat: Vampires. But, sneaking out is about to be the biggest mistake of her life, with disastrous consequences. Ava is cast out and has to learn to live a completely different life. With the beings, she's been groomed to hate. I loved the dynamics. The action...which started early on. We see and experience that animosity between the two kinds and it gives us a little insight into how the coven is made up.

I loved the way Ava is. There were times that I was cringing and wanted to shake her, but It's easy to understand her actions and thought processes because of her age. Watching her learn and grow, and begin to understand was a key part of the story. She's experienced a lot of loss and I think it would be foolish to not expect her to try and fix things...in a way. It definitely gripped me and I felt we were learning with her. Jasik is a vampire who is determined to help Ava navigate these new waters and their bond is strong. I have high hopes for those two but time will tell if it happens. I'm looking forward to finding out more about the rift between the witches and vampires and seeing how Ava adjusts to her new life. I can't wait to see where Danielle takes it.

I have questions, many questions. It did feel at times that I was missing something, that I needed more development in areas, however, I think that is part of the setup for this story. This is only book one and I believe it's a five-book series. I am hoping the questions and development will be addressed in the next book...or books. Maybe Danielle Rose is playing the long game. This is a quick read, for reference, the audiobook is just over 5 hours.

February 6, 2020Report this review