Dark Space
2014 • 1,355 pages


Average rating3.5


4 stars for the romance, 3 stars for the story. The immediate connection between Brady and Cam got me in the feelz, and I felt like my world was ending every time it seemed like they would be separated (caveat: review written during the COVID-19 pandemic, I feel that way 95% of the time anyway. The two men are great together and I look forward to watching their relationship develop in the next two books.But the more I thought about the story, the more I realized its problems. We spend 85% of the book waiting for the deadly Faceless to come aboard and when they do...well, stuff happens but it's mostly related to Brady and Cam, not so much about the fate of humanity that seemed to be hanging in the balance. The ending also feels very rushed, with little rationale for the deus ex machina that allows the two MCs to be together. And finally, I loved Brady for his kindness, his toughness and his willingness to roll with it when he finds himself attracted to a man for the first time in his young life. But I wish Lisa Henry had let him have a little more agency; a lot of things happen to him but he doesn't get to display many heroics other than staying loyally by Cam's side for most of the story anyway. Again, maybe Books 2 and 3 will let him be more of the badass that I suspect he can be.Definitely looking forward to [b:Darker Space 20700258 Darker Space (Dark Space, #2) Lisa Henry https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1444376339l/20700258.SY75.jpg 40019913].

April 24, 2020Report this review