Cover 2


2018 • 307 pages


Average rating3


SOOOO...I was really looking forward to this book. I loved book one and I seem to have a thing for superhero romance type books, alas this one just didn't WOW me as much as the first book did. Mainly because I just could NOT stand the heroine. But honestly, I really struggled to connect with both the main characters.

So even though I struggled with this book overall the writing was still very good. The pace was a tad slow for me but this may be because I struggled with the main couple a lot. That said, the plot was still very engaging and I still am enjoying the overall story arc. It's also told in dual POVs which I always prefer as it tends to make the book feel more complete.

Leon...he was OK. I certainly liked his character more than Lilith but he was NO Draco that is for sure. He came across to ME very BETA and weak. I don't know, maybe my expectations got the better of me but I was expecting someone a lot more alpha and domineering. Who went after what he wanted not hid from it. 

Lilith...sigh. She is really why the book lost most of its stars. I did not like her AT ALL. I think the author was trying to go for quirky bada$$ but for me, she just can across like a weirdo crazy stalker. I hated the way she spoke. I hated the way she acted. Lord, I just really didn't like her character in the least (lol).

All the characters from book one show up again in this one plus we get to meet a couple new faces as well. Charles intrigues me as does Mina.


Low. Even though this couple gets married right off the bat they don't get around to having sex until 60% in. To that end, one of the other big issues I had with this book was that is just never felt a sexual (or any kind of) connection between these two. Hell, Leon runs away to avoid her the day after they get married. Honestly, he never seemed to even like her half the time. He certainly didn't seem to be lusting after her. And Lilith just seemed to be OTT in her chasing of him considering the lengths he went through to avoid her.

Low. I didn't find this very angsty and there was no OW or OM drama. The hero wasn't a manwhore, and neither were virgins.

I was OK. My enjoyment came mostly from the overall storyline and the secondary characters. Both main characters just weren't my cup of tea. It happens. That said, I am still fully onboard with this series and can't wait to see what this author has up her sleeve for our superheroes next. Yours truly gives this one a thumbs up.

January 27, 2018Report this review