Average rating3
No spoilers. I knew how this finale would end long before starting this book. Sookie's life really ends up the way it should have, but the series doesn't. I felt disappointed after reading twelve prior books, and the whole thing going out with a fizzle, not a bang. Not that the ever present threat to Sookie's life isn't there - of course it is - but there was no genuine resolution to the most important romantic relationships that readers have been so long invested in. I still really enjoyed the murder plot and the coming together of the pro-Sookie team (Amelia, Cataliades, Diana, Tara etc.). I just wished that the final relationship/life decisions had come together with a lot more force and drama. I think it's clear that True Blood won't have the same ending since they've become two completely different stories, and at least we got an exciting final episode of season 6 that promises a new storyline for next season. It's super rare to say I'm happier with the tv version of a story.