Death Among Us

Death Among Us

2019 • 253 pages

3.5 stars

Death Among Us is a collection of short stories that have been written by 10 different authors. Each author has contributed around 3 stories and each authors stories connect to each other. As mentioned this is a short story collection and to me the stories are to short to write individual reviews for them so I am reviewing this as a whole. Out of the 10 authors I have only read from one of them before and that was Robbie Cheadle. What she has contributed here though is completely different then what I have read before so it was something new.

Overall I enjoyed this collection of short stories but it was hit and miss for me. Some of the stories were a little to short and wrapped up way to quickly and easily for my liking and some of the stories I enjoyed so much that I wanted more. I do think this book is worth reading though.

October 29, 2019Report this review