Death Drop
Death Drop
Can I just begin with wow? Seriously, it's been a long time since I've taken a dive into an epic science fiction adventure. Death Drop was definitely the perfect choice to get me back into the groove. Before I move on to anything else about this book I need to share one thing with you. These characters are amazing. Even if I wasn't able to see them in person on the D-Evolution website, I still would have been perfectly content. The way that Sean Allen builds his characters and brings them to life, causes you to have them living in your head for the entire book. It blew me away!
That being said, one of Death Drops definite strong points is the descriptive writing it contains. From the sweeping reaches of space, to the very well thought out and unique races of this world, everything is beautifully described. To become immersed in this novel is as easy as breathing. At page one the reader is treated to nothing but well-written prose and character build up. Space is a very large place my friends. Sean Allen reminds us of that in every chapter. The scope of this novel is amazing, and a great place to get lost in. Add in dynamic and believable dialogue, and you have me hooked.
At its heart, this book is pure science fiction. Everything revolves around the fact that humans are no longer the alpha dogs in the universe. Actually, no race stands a chance against the Durax. It is guaranteed that your favorite character will be in peril at some point in this story. This allows the book to develop an incredibly frantic pace! By the time I was a few chapters in, I was unable to stop reading. I felt for the plight of the motley crew of survivors. I rooted for Dezmara. I rooted for Dissension Army and their cause. I happily admit that this would make an amazing movie. It's like strapping yourself into a fast car. Death Drop goes from zero to sixty in a matter of chapters.
I wish I could share more specifics with you, but the point remains that this is a very very largely scoped book. The character and world descriptions are vast, but beautiful. I will warn you that it is not as easy to get into an epic science fiction book as some others, so if you are going to tackle this make sure you are prepared! However I assure you that if you are willing to get lost in a book, Death Drop is well worth your time.