2018 • 280 pages


Average rating3


I've been enjoying this series quite a lot and RAFE has intrigued me since the moment he was introduced so I was very much looking forward to his book(s). Alas, this one was just OK for me. I'm not a big fan of secret revenge plots to begin with and this one drags out the entire book. On top of that I did not find Diana likable in any way. Maybe it is because I adore Rafe. Maybe it was because I thought she was a bit of an idiot. Maybe it was because her lies almost got an innocent man killed. I don't know. I wanted Rafe to use his brain and figure out she was playing him and toss her out on her lying ass. Hopefully she will make a better impression in book two...


Those issues aside, the writing was still fantastic. It was nicely paced. The plot was engaging (if a bit frustrating) and kept me turning the pages. There wasn't any OW/OM drama. The sex scenes were suitably hot. I love all the secondary characters. I always love getting glimpses of previous couples and the guys that work for BLAKE SECURITIES. I loved Rafe. I wanted him to catch a clue SOOO badly. Diana as I have already mentioned, I could not stand. I hated her lying to Rafe and everyone. I hated that she seemed so clueless about her father and brothers. I found nothing remotely likable about her. I am hoping I will warm up to her in book two (fingers crossed). I also had a hard time connecting with them as a couple. This is where my dislike for “secret” plots comes in. I just can't buy into a couple when one or both are lying about EVERYTHING. Especially when the relationship becomes intimate in nature. Trust is a HUGE part of a lasting relationship so I always have a hard time believing in an HEA for a couple when that plot device is used. Last, it's all wrapped up in a cliffy that is leading us (hopefully) into less deceit and a more honest relationship. So this one was a bit of a mixed bag and my least favorite of the series so far. That said, I am still onboard for book two.

December 29, 2017Report this review