2017 • 285 pages


Average rating5


Georgia Bennett is Somerton Security's go-to female operative. After a string of issues with clients, her boss gives her an ultimatum she must make a personal connection with this new client or she will lose her job. She's not happy, even less so when she finds out who it is. Nobody wanted the Parker Livingston assignment, he's difficult to work with, and he doesn't think he needs a bodyguard, but when he receives a secure coded message telling him to run, he knows it's serious. The tech genius and his bodyguard must join forces to survive, his brains and her brawn may be the only hope they have. What happens when that personal connection becomes more personal than anyone could imagine, and with danger and secrets at every turn, can their heat of the moment spark become something more, something solid?

I'm told this is Elizabeth Dyer's debut book and I'm in awe, she has earned herself a fan in me. Defenseless totally blew me away. If I could give it more than 5 stars, I would. It is a combination of everything I love in one tidy little package. It has action, it has romance, it has suspense and it has twists you won't see coming. I loved it so much that I've just ordered the paperback, and preordered Relentless, the next book in the series. It's one of my favourite books of 2017, it is definitely rounding the year out with a bang! I loved the writing, Elizabeth has a way with words that grabs the reader's attention and keeps it. She includes enough detail to paint a picture in the reader's mind but leaves enough to allow them to use their imagination too. I was on the edge of my seat more than once. I was hooked from the first chapter until the last. I spent a full day immersed in this story because I just couldn't put it down. I really like the cover, it's eye-catching and intriguing, the only thing that would make it better would be the inclusion of the narrator's name on the audio edition.

These characters are so good, I loved Georgia and Parker. I want to know more about the team, and about Isaac, and Ethan. Georgia Bennett is one badass chick. I loved her so much. I wanna be her when I grow up. She's strong yet has a vulnerability about her that Parker seemed to not only notice but nurture. When she lets her guard down she shows what a resilient person she is. I loved that she could handle herself and was the protector. Parker Livingston is everything. I love him. So much! He's a geek, but don't let that fool you, he can take care of business just as much, if not more than his military buddies. He's smart and charming, funny and strong, his vulnerability (which is different to Georgia's) is endearing and makes you just want to hug him... among other things. Together they are perfect. Sometimes you read a book and the characters have to work at it, at least in my opinion, but not so with Georgia and Parker, they were made for one another.

The relationship between Parker and Georgia is one that I loved. The banter was fantastic, I'm a big banter fan and they work it so well. It never felt forced or out of place. It fit their personalities well and what was going on around them. The sexy times seemed organic to them and the situations they were faced with, everything felt like it earned its place in the book. The relationship is forged in the heat of the chase, but it's steadfast. Even when they don't see eye to eye on a subject, they still always have the other person's best interests at heart, even if the other person can't see it. Sure, I may have shouted at Parker a time or two, and I may have wanted to shake Georgia, but rest assured the book has a HEA and leaves you craving more. I can't wait for more from Somerton Security. I wouldn't say it ends on a cliff-hanger, just that it gives you a lead into the next book, Georgia and Parker's story is complete.

Aiden Snow was the perfect choice for this book. Perfection, I tell you. The little nuances and inflections he uses in his voice really make each character stand out. I adored his performance of Parker, it was everything I could have imagined and hoped for when I read the synopsis of the book. Georgia sounded feminine, but it didn't sound forced, as can sometimes happen. Aiden has the perfect voice for the sexy times, no joke, it's enough to make a girl swoon... if one is so inclined. The emotion he put into some of the scenes was effective and possibly melted my heart a tad. Aiden is fast becoming one of my go-to narrators. He never fails to deliver a brilliant performance that captivates me and leaves me wanting more. The production was smooth with no issues at all.

December 28, 2017Report this review