Cover 6

Definition of Flawed

Definition of Flawed

2017 • 133 pages


Average rating3


Ok, honestly, I am not really sure how I feel about this book. The writing was very good. The pace was perfect. The story was engaging enough that it kept me turning the pages. I honestly had NO idea where the author was going in regards to Scarlett and Paul's relationship. If I had taken a peek at the blurb for book two, I would have clued into the fact that this was a setup for Scarlett and Dev's book. I guess I am just struggling with the way the author went about setting up these two characters for the next book (DEV and Scarlett). I enjoyed their relationship in THIS prequel book. They had a great friendship. But with what transpired between Scarlett and Paul it makes them as a romantic pairing odd and not entirely palatable. Plus, I never felt ANY romantic vibes from Scarlett towards Dev in this one at all. But I am getting ahead of myself talking about book two...


THIS book just left me feeling a bit discombobulated. I kind of wish there had been less focus on Scarlett and Paul's relationship and more on Scarlett and Dev building a friendship. I am not sure I can put my finger on what bothered me, but all the Paul stuff just seemed a little over the top. The author spent a lot of time and pages building up a relationship that was pointless considering they were never going to end up together. I also thought the twist Dev finds out on his 18th birthday was a little out of left field. Gah, ya, I really don't know how I feel about this book. I am going to go with a 3-Star rating as of right now. I liked it enough to finish it. Like I said, the writing and pace were good. I think I am intrigued enough to see where this author is going with book two. That said, I have HUGE reservations about the romantic pairing of Scarlett and Dev. Not to mention it is an older woman/younger man pairing. I guess we'll see...

February 18, 2018Report this review