Deja Moo
2018 • 415 pages


Average rating3


This one was OK. The mystery aspect was well done and kept me guessing until the end. It had an excellent cast of likable secondary characters. Maddie continues to be a likable heroine. Again, as with the previous book, I thought the Mason and Belle stuff was rather pointless. And I am sorry, but I still think the dude is a major douche. He sure had ZERO issues dumping his girlfriend for some shady chick he knocked up years before. But this is a cozy mystery, not a romance. Last, I really wish this author would dial Laurel's character down about ten notches. Her over the top attitude distracts from the story every time she is in a scene. So there was some good and some not so good. That said, I'll probably give the next book in the series a read.

March 1, 2018Report this review