Demigod 12


Average rating4


This is book two in the fascinating, yet funny, Tinkered Starsong series. It does feel very much like book 2 in a trilogy. It starts out full steam with great characters, humorously bizarre situations and a universe of wonders that we are just scratching the surface of (I want more!).

The middle part slows right down and becomes much more slow and serious. I won't say I was bored, it was very obviously laying the groundwork for what is to come - but I was nevertheless frustrated because I wanted to see more of this world!

In the final third Ms Carriger just takes the gloves off (knowing her, probably tasteful silk gloves). It is no-holds-barred awesomeness after awesomeness with stunning scenes and insights exploding in your skull with no recovery time, leaving me turning the final page with a little sad whimper that the book had ended.

I'm looking forward to book three, but I really, really, really hope that Ms Carriger explores more corners and aspects of this universe in further books.

Thank you Ms Carriger for all the great characters, the crazy/amazing worlds, the great laughs, and the tense moments when I forgot to breathe. You are a great writer and I can't wait for more!

October 12, 2023Report this review