Demon Eyes
2012 • 395 pages


Average rating4



My thoughts

Expectations : my expectations aren???t mile high. Maybe that???s a good thing. I hope it will be better and here???s hoping there???s more history on the founding of Belle Dam.

Cover : The sequel has another floating head but a grey one this time and the lighthouse from book one is shown. I like it less than its predecessor.

Book : Living in Belle Dam has become more welcoming and the drama at the end of book 1 has settled a bit. He has made some close friends and a relationship with the person he has strong feelings for. But the ugly heads of literal and figuratively demons begin to rear their heads again in Belle Dam and in his life. Local girls have been disappearing and a silver smooth haired being has appeared. Town secrets and history are exposed, how the feud came to be is further clarified and doubt creeps in his life and relationship. The headaches are still a major pain. Will Braden ever have peace of mind?

I will address the dislikes and likes of the sequel the same as I did in the review of Witch eyes.

The positives: I longed for more town secrets and history in Belle Dam and my wish came true. Finding out how a lot was connected with each other including: the founders of Belle Dam, the kidnappings and the visions that motivated his traveling to Belle Dam, was fun.

2nd. I went with no real attachments towards the romantic interest starting book two but he has grown on me. I don???t know him like a character on his own and he???s still just the boyfriend of a paranormal creature,but. You start feeling compassion towards him after the ending of book two and learning of the effects the feud has had on him.

3th. Demon eyes should have been the first book in a trilogy. It started with a bang and closed with firecrackers though I have to admit the middle felt like it was fizzling out but still far better than the first. Kidnappings are often used and it was cool how to see how Mr. Tracey handled it. It is sad that he didn???t write that way in the first book. I???m not an editor or a language expert but I could notice his progress as an author. If the last book in the trilogy is even better, it improves my desire to read the last book in the trilogy.

The negatives has somewhat stayed the same.

Braden has kind of improved. He was a lot darker and was becoming a master of lies and that resulted in thinking that people he cared about were going to turn on him and Braden redeemed himself a little bit more than in Witch eyes. But the whining stayed and still not getting attached to him is the reason why he???s still a negative.

2nd. My feelings towards the towns people and the romance has stayed the same. The romance has developed slightly that???s a plus but it still feels forced.

My reading experience was a better than witch eyes but sadly there were still some parts that were annoying. It does not deserve a 4 out 5, hence I???m giving it a 3.5. Give it a try if you read the first.

January 17, 2013Report this review