Die Nigger Die!: A Political Autobiography of Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin

Die Nigger Die!

A Political Autobiography of Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin

2002 • 192 pages


Average rating4


“The news media is one of the greatest enough to black people.” That statement is still true 50 years after the fact. In the 50 years since this book was written blacks are still portrayed horribly on news media. I wish I would have read it in high school. This book showed me that we are still slaves in a way and how the police still don't care for those of color. Rap Brown explains how even black police have no regard for those of color either. Ice Cube said it perfectly a few years later in 1988 “Black police showin' out for the white cop.”

More about police volience to educate yourself: https://mappingpoliceviolence.org

The book loses a star due to all the homophobia, I tried to take on consideration of the times this book was written but it was still upsetting to see. Regardless of that, I still recommend you read it. Rap Brown is in jail for the murder of two black cops and I'm curious if he's working on any other writing while in prison. Apparently he's innocent, I want to research more about the case. In this book Rap Brown recounts a lot of times where the police were trying to get him and put him in jail.

January 29, 2020Report this review