Cover 3

Dirty Exes

2018 • 296 pages


Average rating3


This was a fun book to read overall but the characters were kind of hit and miss. Blaire is still angry over her cheating ex-husband and longing for a guy who she dated for 3 weeks years ago. She has such low self esteem that it took some time for me to start liking her. Jessie was a confused guy who wanted to leave his wife but also didn't want to hurt her and it was frustrating to see his back and forth with both his wife and Blaire. The best part of this book was Colin. He was charming, flirty and totally went for what he wanted unapologetically. I also loved Isla's character as the strong willed best friend.
The writing is very easy to get through and I finished this in a single sitting.

June 6, 2018Report this review